(English as a Second Language/ESL)
The Uintah School District is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to every student. The English Language Learners (ELL/ESL) program is designed to accelerate English acquisition for students whose first language is not English and to further assist them in becoming successful learners in the classroom.
Program Goals
- English Learners will become proficient in English.
- English Learners will have access to the general education curriculum and be provided with an equal educational opportunity.
- English Learners will make significant progress toward meeting state and district standards.
Delivery Model
In the Uintah School District, the classroom teacher has the responsibility for the primary, direct instruction of English Learner eligible students. However, while there are many opportunities during the day in a language-rich classroom environment for language learning, merely being exposed or engaged in activities in English is not sufficient to assure the development of full academic language proficiency. Therefore, newcomer English Learners also receive explicit instruction that is differentiated based on their English language proficiency level. This provides English language development through systemic and explicit instruction of vocabulary, grammar, and syntax.
ELL Progress Report Card
Report Card FAQ For Parents 2022
For more information contact:
Jayme Leyba, ELL Director - 435-781-3100, Ext 1030
Ruth Ann Nelson, ELL Administrative Assistant - 435-781-3100, Ext 1032
Sheryl Packer, ELL Administrative Assistant - 435-781-3100, Ext 1028